Equipment and solutions for transport supervision
Equipment and solutions for transport supervision
Equipment and solutions for transport supervision

Solutions for passenger and cargo transport, logistics, school, private and personnel monitoring.
Solutions for passenger and cargo transport, logistics, school, private and personnel monitoring.
Solutions for passenger and cargo transport, logistics, school, private and personnel monitoring.

Platform for monitoring with audio and video in real time. Available on computers and mobile devices. To use in your fleet.
Platform for monitoring with audio and video in real time. Available on computers and mobile devices. To use in your fleet.
Platform for monitoring with audio and video in real time. Available on computers and mobile devices. To use in your fleet.

Sensors to alert and record important events.
Sensors to alert and record important events.
Sensors to alert and record important events.

It is worrying to see that in the main activity of transport companies, control is lost just when the service starts and it is not known with certainty what happens on the way until it arrives and if something happens, in the best of cases it can be analyzed using information from various sources without any opportunity to react in a timely manner, supervisors can be corrupted, etc: There are no effective and reliable control systems.
In Mexico, the figures for road accidents and transport robberies are very high:
– 24,000 annual deaths.
- More than 20,000 cargo transport robberies per year.
- More than 5,500 violent assaults on public transport annually.
– 1st. Cause of deaths in children aged 4 to 14 years.
.- 2a. Cause of death of young people between 15 and 24 years old.
– There are 800,000 disabled for this reason.
– 50 road accidents every hour on average.
– Annual losses of 1.7% of GDP.
– 93% due to human error-
– The most common errors: speed, brakes, fatigue, distractions, malfunctions and alcohol and drugs.
This leads us to conclude that the risks with which driving on our roads is high and actions must be implemented to preserve lives and investment in vehicle fleets.
In the case of us as private drivers, having elements that allow us to have irrefutable elements at the moment in the event of an accident, shock absorber or any other incident can help us verify our versions before the elements in charge of providing justice or the insurers, providing us with greater confidence when driving.
robbery alert
Problems with the passage
Loading and unloading cargo
road incidents
incidents with authority
Report of other incidents
Integrate it with transport processes
passenger count
Artificial Intelligence Technology